August 15

Rotary Club of Fonthill presents

Momentum Choir

Momentum Choir is a highly disciplined, professionally facilitated performance choir composed of adults live with a disability. 

Momentum’s passion for music is infectious.  As soon as the music starts, disability takes a back seat.

Under the leadership of Momentum Choir’s founder and multiple award willing  Director Mendelt Hoekstra, Momentum’s contagious love for music fills each room and audience member.

Momentum’s Mission is to provide an authentic musical experience in which the gifts of unique artists can be professionally nurtured, and through which the artists can be given an opportunity to belong, believe and inspire.

Now our their 16th season and with more than 100 members on its’ roster,  Momentum has packed concert halls, experienced high accolades and has left audiences with a greater appreciation for the human spirit.

Momentum Choir is a not-for-profit organization that operates under a volunteer Board of Directors.






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